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Universal powerbank 2000mAh

Ultra compact. light & easy to carry. this powerbank with a capacity of 2000mAh can recharge up to 100% of your smartphone. Thanks to the USB port providing 5V~1A output. this portable battery is universal: you can charge all your USB devices. The perfect portable charger for your wiko smartphones and more !

  •  Cell: Li-ion

  •  LED indicator:

  •  Power Capacity: 2000mAh

  •  Input Spec: 5V. 1A

  •  Output Spec: 5V. 1A

  •  Charge Time:1~2 Hrs

  •  Protection: Over Charge Protection, Over Temperature Protection, Over Voltage Protection, Short Circuit Protection

  •  Battery conversion efficiency >90%

  •  Long lifetime recharge: more than 500 times

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